
Marathon Talk with Aaron Skinner

As part of the release of our second collaborative race vest with Soar Running, we connected with members of our community who are preparing for the upcoming Sydney Marathon. 

As part of the release of our second collaborative race vest with Soar Running, we connected with members of our community who are preparing for the upcoming Sydney Marathon. 

First up is Aaron Skinner who currently resides in Sydney and is running the Sydney Marathon with his Dad before taking on the Melbourne Marathon with the hope of running a PB.

Firstly, introduce yourself; who you are, what you do and who you run with/for?

I’m Aaron, a 26-year-old male originally from Perth, but now living in Sydney. I work in the IVF (IN Vitro Fertilisation) industry as an embryologist (the role that does the combination of the two cells) during the week. A really rewarding career that gives me great purpose.

I run with 2 communities: Furies and DELTA Running Project. Furies provides a much-needed creative running outlet where it is much more about community, the art in running and the coalescence of fashion and pushing yourself. Further, DELTA provides me with the performance side of running with a group who push each other to achieve personal bests and testing their bodies with a group.

I run for two reasons:

  1. To have communities where I can meet a diverse range of people,
  2. To see how far I can push my body and mind. 

How long have you been running and how/when did you get your start?

I have always been active, playing Football (Aussie Rules), Hockey and Cricket throughout my childhood. But I began running regularly in 2020 to increase my fitness for football and to spend some more time with my dad. After I moved to Sydney in 2021, I realised that my love for football had started to fade and, alternatively, my love for running had grown. After running the Sydney Marathon in September 2022, I realised that running was where my heart now lay. After talking to one of the coaches (Meg Tuminello) at Pace Athletic Rozelle Run Club, I retired from football and took up Running as my sport in October 2022 with Meg as my personal coach. Now it is what my weeks revolve around.

What is your goal for the 2024 Sydney Marathon? 

To make sure my dad gets through the finish line! It will be his first marathon at 60 years old and after he got me into running 3 years ago, it would be a full circle moment. He has run for 7 years and has always wanted to run a marathon. This year he finally bit the bullet and bought a ticket to Sydney Marathon. After putting in his first 12-week marathon block of training (and only popping his calf once) he’s more than ready to get to that start line. I can’t wait to have this experience with him, be with him during the hurt of the last 10kms and watch him cross the finish line at the Opera House.

What has been your favourite running route/s during your training for the Sydney Marathon? 

I’m a sucker for a Centennial Park loop, to be honest! 3.7km of undulating, shaded road can’t be matched. But I do like to front load some of my workouts with some elevation. Recently I had a 30km that my coach gave me (90mins of easy jogging into 5x1km on 90sec rest @10km pace) where I wanted to test my mettle and drain my legs for the efforts late into the run. Hence, I made sure to include the “Cat’s Ears” of Centennial Park and Heartbreak Hill in Rose Bay/Vaucluse. What I didn’t plan for was a 30-degree day making it extra tough. But that’s how I like it!

Further, I am very lucky to work on the North Side of the harbour (Greenwich) and live on the South Side (Surry Hills). This means that I can commute over the timeless Harbour Bridge. If that’s going over in the morning with a sunrise or coming back in the evening as the sun sets over the west, it is truly a run that cannot be replaced (and one that is great to flex on my mates from Perth).

What shoes have you used throughout your training and what are you going to be racing in on the day? 

I’m not one for a massive rotation of shoes. I like to get the most out of my purchases! So here is my rotation:

  1. Easy runs in New Balance 1080s
  2. Sessions in beat up Nike Vaporfly 2s
  3. Long runs in New Balance Rebel V4
  4. Marathon Sessions and Races in Adidas Adios Pro 3 (Cherry Blossom colourway).

And I will be racing in the Adidas Adios Pro 3 on September 15th.

What would be your dream location to run a Marathon? 

I travelled to South America over last Nov/Dec/Jan and had so much fun through the Amazon and in Rio de Janeiro. Rio has so many stunning beaches and mountains, a culture where fitness is important but also having that trademark Brasileiro flare that Rio is known for. So that would be my pick for an iconic marathon.

Any words of wisdom for anyone considering having a crack at a marathon? 

I believe that nothing compares to a hard marathon. You aren’t just testing your body but more so your mind. Can you hold on when it gets tough? Are you willing to lean into the suck? When that point inevitably arises, trust you’ve done the training, embrace the suck and shut down those voices with a mantra. I like to say: “strong body, strong mind”.