Routes — Kevin Cruz
Firstly, introduce yourself; who you are, what you do and who you run with/for?
Hello my name is Kevin and I currently work at the best store in the world aka Up There Store. In the coming months I will start working across both Up There and Up There Athletics. I run with AM:PM.RC big love to the crew - A Run Is Never Finished. It Simply Stops In Interesting Places.
How long have you been running and what is your main source of motivation?
I grew up playing soccer but started getting into road running during lockdown and haven’t looked back since. What motivates me? For me it’s a combination of a few things, but people and the community are some key drivers. The opportunity to meet new people and foster new relationships through genuine connections is amazing.
Where do you live? Do you find yourself sticking to your local routes or exploring outside your area?
I currently reside in Richmond, it’s a pretty ideal spot for most running routes around Melbourne. But you will Most likely catch me running along the Yarra, around the Capital City Trail or venturing out into the trails around Victoria.
What is your go-to running route in/around Melbourne and why?
My Go-to running route would be Olinda Falls Trail in the Dandenong Ranges. There’s a huge amount of routes to pick from and something special about getting out of the city and connecting with nature.
If you could pick one road or trail to run anywhere in the world, where would it be and is it somewhere you have run before?
I would love to run Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim (R2R2R) in the States. The 60-plus kilometre route is an out-and-back trail, starting and ending at the south rim near the visitors’ center and turning around at the north rim. It has more than 3,000 meters of elevation gain and loss each way. COVID has made travelling almost non-existent, so this one will have to stay on the bucket list for a little longer.
Are you currently or do you have plans to train for any events in the future? If so, what and why?
I’ve got my eyes on the Melbourne Marathon. it will be my first marathon and this year is shaping up to be a big one for the event, so I didn’t want to miss out!